Of interest to atmospheric numerical models is determining accurate planetary boundary layer heights (PBLH). See the following for a grundle of resources: http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/aq/pbl/
Determination of the PBLH is key for a variety of reasons.
1. Determine the height at which the lower atmosphere mixes up as influenced by surface parameters (temps, surface fluxes, humidity, etc).
2. Determine aerosol dispersion predictions. Such as pollution transport or stagnation.
Links associated to efforts and resources to understand this are below:
MPLNET: Micropulse Lidar Networks
A project to collect micropulse lidar observations for specific areas. These instruments can detect the backscatter of aerosols in a vertical profile from the surface and resolve the evolution of the planetary boundary layer for a single location, among many other functions.
See http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/aq/pbl/graphics/boundaryLayer_M2.JPG as an example of a daily evolution of convective thermals.
So what does all of this research and initiatives mean for pilots? A LOT! Being able to accurately predict the boundary layer depth and the buoyancy characteristics of that layer are, in a nut shell, the "holy grail" of boundary layer meteorology as far as soaring pilots are concerned.
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